Your parents must have told you about the importance of proper oral hygiene. However, people often fail to follow this advice, although setting a good example for your children would be essential. Besides tooth brushing, regular visits to your dentist are also an important part of oral hygiene. Therefore take your child to the dentist on a regular basis. Paediatric dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic provide stress free dental treatment for children so that they will not be afraid of dentists later in their lives.
One of the most valuable presents you can give your child is beautiful and healthy teeth. Take your child to the dentist regularly. Always follow the instructions given by the dentist. Paediatric dentists consider carefully when and why to perform dental treatment. Since children’s dentition differs from the teeth of adults, the treatments are different as well. Paediatric dentists should possess more empathy, since children are less able to tolerate dental treatment. Prevention is the key to having a healthy dentition.
Children should start brushing their teeth as soon as possible, at the beginning with their parents’ help, later by themselves. Setting a good example as a parent can be really helpful, children can find it really enjoyable to brush their teeth together with their parents. Besides regular tooth brushing with a proper technique, a balanced diet and adequate oral hygiene are also important. Help your child get used to the atmosphere of the dentist’s surgery, so he/she will feel at ease when having regular dental check-ups in the future. Make the first visit before your child has any complaints. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic provide high-quality treatment for both adults and children in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Teeth start to develop in the womb on the seventh week of life. Milk teeth erupt between the 6th and 33rd months of life. Except for the first molar teeth, they all look like permanent teeth. It is important to know which teeth are milk teeth and which ones are permanent teeth. Milk teeth should be retained in the mouth as long as possible in order to prevent serious dental problems, so they must be looked after carefully. Bring your child to Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic even if he/she does not have a dental complaint or you cannot see any problems in the mouth. Your dentist can treat early tooth decay which is invisible to you. You can also prevent your child from developing fear of dental treatment by getting him/her used to the atmosphere of the dental surgery, the dentist and dental treatments.
Mostly lower molar teeth are affected by tooth decay, which can appear without any particular reason. However, the most common cause of tooth decay is a sugar coated pacifier, sugary tea, or increased sugar consumption, which is even more harmful if you do not brush teeth. Inherited predisposition to tooth decay is very rare. Decayed milk teeth must be treated. If you lose milk teeth too early, it can lead to crowding of permanent teeth, which can require orthodontic treatment. Treatment of decayed milk teeth includes filling or grinding the tooth. By grinding the tooth we can remove the decayed part. Never leave decayed milk teeth untreated, it can lead to inflammation of the core of the tooth or the membrane around the bone. Both conditions can be rather painful.
Fogkefe, fogkrém, fogselyem
A fogorvosok örök vesszőparipája a fogselyem, nem ok nélkül. Használata bár egyre elterjedtebb, sokan még mindig úri huncutságnak, macerás eljárásnak tekintik. Pedig ha valóban gondoskodni akarunk fogaink épségéről, akkor nem sajnáljuk azt a plusz 2-3 percet, ami a fogselyem használatához esetenként szükséges.
A fogkefe a fog rágófelületén, ill. oldalán lerakódott ételmaradék eltávolítására teljesen megfelelő, ám a fogak egymás felé néző részének tisztítására kialakításánál fogva nem alkalmas. A fogak közé ragadt lepedék veszélyezteti a fogak és a fogíny egészségét, ami a fogak szuvasodásához, meglazulásához, legrosszabb esetben elvesztéséhez vezethet. Ezzel szemben a fogselyem segít megtisztítani azokat a területeket is, amit a fogkefével már nem érünk el.
A Fehér Dent Altatásos Fogászatnál is alkalmazott biológiai szemléletmód a fogászatban azt az irányvonalat képviseli, mely a természetgyógyászat valamint a kínai orvoslás megfigyeléseit egyesíti. A biológiai fogászat ugyanis egységes egészként foglalkozik az emberi szervezettel, a fogak egészsége tehát az egész testre hatással van. A belső szervek, testfelületek, és az egyes fogak közti kapcsolatot Dr. Voll és Kramer mutatta ki. Dr. Voll – akinek a nevéhez az ún. Voll-féle elektroakupunktúra is fűződik – bebizonyította bioelektromos mérésekkel, hogy az adott fogak adott szervekhez, testfelülethez társíthatóak, ezért befolyásolhatják azok egészségi állapotát. A kapcsolat kölcsönös, hiszen a belső szervek egészségi állapota is kihathat a szájüregre, és fordítva, a szájüregen keresztül hatni lehet a belső szervekre is. Akárcsak a fül, az orr, vagy a láb esetében, a szájüregen keresztül is befolyásolhatjuk az egész szervezet egészségi állapotát.
Azt gondolod, hogy fogszabályozóval majd nehezebb lesz, nem lesz annyi barátod és egyébként is milyen ciki lesz a helyzet? Pedig ez a kis kényelmetlen időszak pont abban segít, hogy amikor majd igazán fontos lesz, a legszebb legyen a mosolyod! Aki most fogszabályozót visel bátor és vagány, hiszen felmeri vállalni azt, hogy az egészség, tökéletesség és szépség elérése számára fontos.
Sőt, az ápolt külsővel igenis szexi látványt nyújthat, ha a fogszabályozót viselő nem szégyelli azt.
De miért is fontos a fogszabályozás, miért kell az neked?
Ha a fogaink egészségéről van szó, akkor az első és legfontosabb a megelőzés. A megelőzés azonban nem csupán a fogmosásból áll, hanem ugyanolyan fontos a helyes táplálkozás is. A fogászati problémák elkerülése érdekében azonban nem csupán az egészséges étrend és a megfelelő szájhigiénia a fontos, hanem az is, hogy rendszeresen részt vegyünk fogászati szűrővizsgálaton. A szegedi Fehér Dent Altatásos Fogászatnál kiemelten fontosnak tartjuk a preventív fogászat szerepét.
Small decays are filled with glass ionomer cement. First molar teeth often fail a simple filling, and preventive root canal treatment may be required. Dentists perform root canal treatment on milk teeth as well, if the damage is so extensive that it cannot be treated with a simple filling. It is not necessary to go deep inside the tooth, the aim is to eliminate the inflammation and keep the tooth in the mouth until the permanent tooth comes through.
Milk teeth are usually removed using local anaesthesia (e.g. Lidocain spray), and no injection is needed. Milk teeth are kept in place by the gum, their root is partially or completely absorbed, so they can be removed with a firm pull.
Children can be un-cooperative, which may have a great influence on the treatment. It is really important to take your child to the dentist before he/she develops pain, because pain can decrease the child’s cooperation. Painless tooth decay is easier to treat, and your child will not have a bad experience.
We have mentioned earlier that early loss of milk teeth can cause crowding of teeth.
When you lose a milk tooth on the place of which the permanent tooth breaks through later than the permanent teeth on each side, the tooth will not have enough room to come in. It will be crooked and misaligned. Crowding can be corrected with orthodontic treatment. You can avoid this lengthy treatment by having a space maintainer. The device will prevent neighbouring teeth from moving into the empty space.
Fissure sealing
Pits and grooves on the chewing surface of the teeth are ideal place for tooth decay, because debris and bacteria can easily build up in them. It can be prevented by closing the pits and grooves with a special protective layer. The procedure, called fissure sealing, can be applied to both primary and permanent molar teeth. Fissure sealing of permanent molar teeth is particularly recommended for children who are prone to tooth decay. The treatment at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic is pain free. It is more simple than placing a filling and there is no need to drill the tooth.
When can your dentist perform fissure sealing?
The procedure can be performed on healthy teeth, if the tip of the examination probe can run smoothly on the surface of the teeth, on teeth with deep grooves, and on teeth that have been in the mouth for not longer than three years.
When is fissure sealing not recommended?
The procedure is not performed on decayed teeth, on teeth with shallow pits, and on teeth that has come through partially.
What does fissure sealing involve?
The teeth are dried with a compressed air drier and polished with polishing powder. The next step is to apply acid to the surface of the teeth to make them rough, so that the fissure sealant could adhere to the surface firmly. The acid is washed off and the teeth are dried again. Then the fissure sealant is applied and spread on the surface to fill even the smallest pits. Self-bonding sealants need 2 – 3 minutes to harden, while light-cured materials are lit for 20 seconds to make them hard completely. Fissure sealing provides protection against superficial decay for 2 – 3 years. Moreover, it strengthens teeth by releasing fluoride. Fluoride release prevents the accumulation of bacteria on and around the sealant. Adults with healthy molar teeth can also have fissure sealing. Extended sealing is required if there is some decay in the grooves. The decayed part is removed and the grooves are lined and sealed. Extensive decay is treated with aesthetic restorations, such as inlays. Fissure sealing is an effective preventive intervention in children to avoid tooth decay.
Shedding and replacement of primary teeth
The second set of teeth is called permanent teeth, which are not replaced in humans. Human dentition is divided into four sets of teeth with eight teeth in each set: two incisors, one canine, two premolars and three molars, so milk teeth are replaced by 32 permanent teeth. The replacement of primary teeth begins with the eruption of molars at the age of 6. Then the teeth erupt in the order of their position in the dental arch, except the first molars and the upper canines. Permanent front teeth usually approach the milk teeth from inside, while premolars develop under the roots of the milk teeth. Molars erupt behind the milk teeth in the dental arch. Wisdom teeth are the last ones to erupt, usually at the age of 16 – 30, but many people do not have erupted wisdom teeth at all, which may indicate that wisdom teeth will eventually disappear from the human dentition. There are three stages of dentition: primary dentition, mixed dentition and permanent dentition.
Mixed dentition
In this stage primary and permanent teeth require a different approach. It is essential to consider whether decayed milk teeth affect erupting permanent teeth and how. Permanent teeth are usually healthy when they erupt. However, contact decay can occur by direct contact with decayed milk teeth, or they grow into a decayed environment caused by certain germs in the mouth.
Dental trauma in childhood
Toddlers are exposed to potential accidents. Even if parents take all precaution, some accidents cannot be avoided. Be cautious and do not take the loss of a milk tooth lightly by thinking that it will be replaced. If such an accident happens, make an appointment with Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic as soon as possible.
Injury to milk teeth
Upper incisors are the most likely to suffer an injury: they can chip, become loose or even fall out. Your dentist can replace the chipped part, stabilise the mobile tooth or replant the tooth. Contact Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic as soon as possible, because injury to milk teeth can damage the germs of permanent teeth.
Injury to permanent teeth
Permanent teeth can also be injured as a result of accidents during sports, games or fights. Such accidents usually happen at around the age of ten, and boys are twice as likely to suffer one. Upper front teeth are more prone to injuries. The time between the accident and the treatment has a great influence on the outcome, and the treatment your dentist can provide depends on how quickly he/she can start it. Therefore, if your child has a dental accident, take him/her to the dentist without delay. Teeth that have fallen out can be replanted within a few hours. Cover the tooth in your child’s saliva and bring it to the surgery. Replanted teeth have a minimal chance to remain vital, so root canal treatment is also recommended. If the crown is damaged, it can be restored with a filling or an artificial crown. Paediatric dentistry prefers orthodontic solutions to restorations. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic are prepared to treat all sorts of dental trauma.
With many pediatric dentists in Szeged and within the county, Dr. Feher’s friendliness won us over and I knew my son would be in good hands. The treatment continues, but what is important is that my son loves to go there and has no fear…
The best dentist in Szeged, highly skilled with a professional, up-to-date dental office. She diagnose and treats the problem accurately. Expensive, but quality assured.
Anchored tongue. It should be treated with a simple operation to restore the child’s normal ability to speak and eat. Cleft lip and palate. It requires complex medical intervention.
Similarly to other body surfaces, the child has small rashes in the mouth which turn into oozing blisters.
There are white spots in the frontal part of the oral cavity.
The tip and the edges of the tongue are red. The body of the tongue is covered in a whitish coat with red spots.
It is a common inflammatory condition in and around the mouth which is accompanied by fever. Although nearly 100% of the young population is infected with the virus, inflammatory outbreaks are rare.
Thy symptoms of the disease resemble the symptoms of herpes symplex, but they affect the back of the throat and high fever is also present.
It is a viral infection which leads to the inflammation of the soft palate and the throat, and the swelling of the lymph nodes.
Infectious parotitis. The large salivary glands around the ear are swollen and painful, which leads to difficulty chewing and swallowing.
The exact causes of mouth sores are not known. They usually disappear within a short period of time, however, they can be rather painful and they can recur.
The above materials are intended for general consumer informational purposes only. The description of the diseases and treatments are not complete and cannot substitute examination by a qualified healthcare professional, nor can they constitute the basis for any treatment or intervention.