Dental treatment under sedation at Fehér Dent Aesthtetic Dental Clinic

  • Are you afraid of dental treatment?
  • Are you looking for pain free dental treatment?
  • Does your child have bad experience with dentists?

If you come to Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic, you or your child can undergo dental treatment without fear and anxiety.

Pain reduction before dental treatment starts with a discussion between the dentist and the patient: the dentist prepares the patient by explaining what the treatment and the recovery will involve. This process is called psychological preparation. If you think that beside local anaesthesia you would like to receive minimal or moderate sedation, we will involve an anaesthesiologist.

Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic in Szeged offers dental treatment for children using sedation. With 1-2 hours of sedation we can solve all dental problems at the same time. We offer pain free treatment and relaxed atmosphere for patients of all ages. Our dentists and assistants are all experienced dental professionals from reputed hospitals and clinics. You can make an appointment by contacting us: 6726 Szeged, Fülemüle u. 22. tel.: +36 62314 763 mobil: +36 70 775 74 43


How does sedation work?
How does sedation work?

You will be sitting in the dental chair throughout the whole intervention. Avoid eating food for 6 hours before the intervention or drinking water or tea for 2 hours before sedation.

The first step of sedation is calming you down. You will receive an injection into your vein, usually on the back of your hand. You will only feel a little prick. The injection will make you sleep „lightly” or „moderately” until the end of the treatment. When you fall asleep, we will give you oxygen through your nose, and monitor your blood pressure and the oxygen level of your blood. The length of sedation is optional, although it does not last longer than two and a half hours.

What shall I expect after sedation?

You usually wake up by the end of your treatment, however, you will stay sitting in the chair for another 30 minutes so that we can keep an eye on you. Then you will be seated and observed in the waiting room. You can go home only when you can walk safely, you do not have nausea and you have drunk some fluid. You are advised to have somebody who can take you home. Driving is not recommended after sedation.

What are the risks of sedation?

Sedation during dental treatment can have certain risks, although they are very rare. Fainting or sensitivity to the medications can occur, but we are prepared to manage these complications. Our experienced anaesthesiologists perform sedation with the highest care. In order to avoid complications you are under continuous observation and monitoring. Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic will do everything to keep you safe.



What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry is a procedure in which local anaesthesia (numbing an area) is combined with the administration of a general sedative which makes you unaware of external stimulus and you can even fall asleep. This is not deep sedation, we can wake you up easily and your breathing reflexes are not affected. Sedation dentistry used to be recommended for patients who were unwilling or unable to cooperate. Nowadays, these medications have very little side effects, therefore the procedure is recommended for everyone who is afraid of dental treatment because of a bad experience. Dental sedation is not stressful for the body, so it can be safely performed in children. You will be sleeping during the treatment and will not feel any pain.

Who performs sedation at our clinic?

Dental sedation is always performed by an anaesthesiologist. Before sedation the anaesthesiologist will ask you questions about your previous and present diseases, and your general health condition. He/she will explain you the details of the procedure and the preparation, and he/she will also carry out a physical examination. Medical tests and investigations are not required prior to dental sedation. If you have a bad cold, we will postpone the procedure to a later date.


Erica is terribly afraid of the dentist, and when she found out she had to have seven of her teeth extracted, she was sure she could only have the operation under conscious sedation. According to her, she did not regret her decision: she had neither any pain nor recollection of the event. Read more.