Many people develop some kind of allergy. Allergens are substances that normally do not cause allergic reactions, however, in certain individuals the immune system may react to them overtly. Dental allergens can cause immediate reactions through materials used for your dental treatment, or some of them, such as metals, can cause symptoms several months after the treatment. Such delayed symptoms include inflammation of your gum, dry mouth, ulcers, small rashes around the contact area with the allergen, itching on the roof of the mouth, hair fall, or even inflammation of your joints. Always inform your dentist about any allergies you know about, especially metal allergy. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic are committed to prevent allergic reactions by using high-quality, metal-free materials.
When a tooth is removed, you may have sharp bone spikes in your jaw that can be painful. They can cause further problems when you wear a denture or if implant placement is planned. To eliminate the problem, the bone is made smooth using a special dental tool.
Amalgam, which is an alloy of mercury and other metals, has been known since ancient times. It has been widely argued recently if amalgam is poisonous. Because amalgam contains mercury, it may be harmful for your body. That is why dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic avoid using amalgam. There are modern, aesthetic materials that are completely harmless. Our dentists apply a so called biological or holistic approach to dentistry, which means they use materials that are compatible with your whole body and do not pose any health risks.
Bite plates can prevent grinding your teeth at night or clenching your teeth when you feel stressed. These silicon or acrylic plates can also be effective in treating painful jaw joint problems.
Calculus or tartar is the hard mineralised deposit that builds up on your teeth after eating. This plaque (which contains food pieces dissolved in saliva) is a good medium for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to gum inflammation (a common symptom is bleeding) and tooth decay, or even mobility or loss of your teeth. Tartar is unaesthetic, because it can lead to yellowish-brownish discoloration of your teeth. The amount of tartar depends on individual characteristics, your diet, the composition of saliva and the position of your teeth. Once you have had tartar on your teeth, there is an increased risk of recurrence. You can decrease the risk of developing tartar by removing the plaque from your teeth. Apart from proper oral hygiene, regular professional cleaning is also essential.
Caries or tooth decay develops when the bacteria in plaque break down carbohydrates and create an acidic environment in the mouth. This acidic environment is harmful for the enamel. Decay spreads from the enamel toward the inside of the tooth, the pulp, and remains symptom-free for a long time. When you feel pain, the decay is usually widespread and requires treatment by your dentist. Regular dental check-ups can help your dentist recognise the early signs of tooth decay. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic treat decay teeth use state-of-the-art metal-free filling materials to guarantee an aesthetic result.
Dental treatments may provoke excessive stress, anxiety or fear in some patients. Your dentist can relieve them by talking to you, but sometimes the fear is so bad, that deep or mild sedation is required. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic are prepared to perform dental treatment using sedation in children as young as 2 years old. Sedation is recommended if your child has difficulty cooperating or he/she is too afraid of the treatment, so that he/she can develop a positive attitude to dental treatment in the future. Certain oral surgical interventions, such as removal of wisdom teeth, implant placement or bone substitution, can also require sedation. Sedation at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic is performed by an anaesthesiologist using professional equipment to make the procedure completely safe. Sedation involves injecting special medication into your blood stream through a vein on your hand to make you sleep. After the procedure you are waken up safely.
A crown is a tooth replacement that completely covers the tooth. It can be made of pressed ceramics, metal ceramics or aesthetic zirconium ceramics. After preparing the tooth, your dentist takes impression of the tooth and sends it to the lab where the dental technician prepares a custom-made crown for you.
Dentine is the material that constitutes most of your teeth and surrounds the pulp, the innermost part. It determines your tooth colour. It consists of minerals, organic materials and water. It is more elastic than enamel, but less resistant to tooth decay. Acid producing bacteria that penetrate the enamel can damage the dentine and cause tooth decay.
A digital X-ray is performed to make a proper diagnosis and to recognise diseases that do not cause any complaints. It is also performed before oral surgical interventions. Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic is also equipped with a panoramic X-ray machine that can visualise the sinuses and the jaw bone. Panoramic X-rays are particularly useful to detect sources of inflammation in your body and recognise problems as early as possible. The digital and panoramic X-ray machines used in our clinic do not expose you to high doses of radiation, therefore they are safe to use in pregnant women.
Enamel is mostly composed of inorganic materials, therefore it is the hardest part of the human body. It plays an important role in protecting the tooth, because the dentine beneath the enamel is more vulnerable to damage. The enamel can be damaged by chemical or physical impact. That is why dentists emphasize the importance of brushing your teeth after eating. The acidic environment in your mouth created by the deposit on your teeth can be harmful for the enamel. Misalignment of your teeth or grinding them at night can also damage the enamel.
Fissure sealing is a procedure to protect remaining molar teeth against tooth decay in children. Fissure sealing is an effective method to prevent tooth decay, because the deep grooves that are difficult to keep clean are closed. The shallow surface created without drilling the tooth is easier to clean. Fissure sealing can protect molar teeth from the time they first appear in the mouth until the age of 19, when enamel formation ends.
Foci of infection are localized inflammations in the mouth that do not cause any pain, but can lead to hair fall, joint inflammation, swelling of the lymph nodes and increased tiredness. They are most common around teeth with failed root canal treatment or dead teeth. These localised areas of inflammation can release bacteria into the blood stream, which may result in inflammation elsewhere in the body. If you have symptoms without a specific cause, it is advised to look for localised infections. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic are prepared to recognise and treat localised infections in your mouth.
Gold is a precious metal often used in dentistry. It is tissue friendly, fairly durable and it has antibacterial properties. It is less aesthetic, but it does not change its colour and it rarely causes allergic reactions. Allergic reactions are mostly caused by other metals gold is alloyed with. Pure gold is not suitable for use in dentistry.
Implants are used to support crowns, artificial teeth or bridges in the mouth. Implants are artificial roots drilled into the jaw bone, therefore teeth built on the implants can function as natural teeth. When you have a tooth missing, an implant based tooth can improve chewing and speaking, as well as the aesthetic appearance of your face. Dental implants are made of non-allergic materials, therefore they are completely safe to use.
Inlays and onlays allow dentists to restore the natural anatomical shape and condition of your teeth. Inlays and onlays are fabricated by a dental technician using plastic, gold, ceramics, zirconium or a combination of materials, and they are cemented into the prepared teeth by your dentist. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic measure the cavity prepared in the tooth and assess the loading capacity of the tooth. Then they discuss your aesthetic expectations and the treatment plan with you. Our dental lab applies premium materials, which guarantees high-quality treatment.
Oral cysts usually develop unnoticed, without causing any complaints. Cysts grow bigger as fluid accumulates inside, which can damage the surrounding bone. Cysts can develop around wisdom teeth that are unable to break through, dead teeth, or as a result of injury. There are various types of cysts, most of which are non-cancerous. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic can detect cysts when they look for localised infections in your mouth.
Orthodontic treatment aims at correcting the irregular position of the teeth. Misalignment is not only unaesthetic, but it can also cause irregular bite, tooth decay and gum inflammation. Orthodontic treatment performed at young age can ensure proper development of the teeth, but it can also be effective in adults. Apart from conventional metal braces, there are several types of orthodontic appliances, such as removable or invisible, lingual devices.
Relining refers to the correction of your removable denture. Wasting of your jaw bone can result in a difference between the shape of your denture and the shape of your jaw bone. The stability of the denture decreases and it can shift in your mouth. Your dentist can reline your denture using cold bonding plastics or sending it to the dental lab to be re-shaped using an impression model. Relining is always performed by a dentist.
Root canal treatment is required when tooth decay affects the pulp chamber, the innermost part of your teeth, and the nerves. Bacteria can reach the pulp and the resulting inflammation can cause serious pain. Such damage can only be corrected with root canal treatment, which involves mechanical cleaning of the root canal, removing the inflamed tissues from the side canals and inserting medicine to treat the inflammation. The aim of root canal treatment is to eliminate your pain and the bacteria responsible for the inflammation.
Scaling involves removing the mineralised deposit on the teeth and cleaning under the gum around the neck of the teeth. You are advised to have tartar removed from your teeth every 6 months. Your dentist can remove tartar from places that are difficult to reach with your tooth brush. Tartar forms on invisible surfaces of your teeth where it can cause inflammation. That is why it is essential to remove it. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic perform professional cleaning of your teeth combining ultrasound scaling and airflow technique. Your teeth become whiter and the gaps between the teeth can be cleaned efficiently. The procedure is completely pain free and does not cause any inconvenience.
Your sinuses are situated inside your skull, next to your nose, right under the eye sockets. If there is considerable bone loss, the roots of the teeth under the sinuses can penetrate into them, or if many teeth are missing, the floor of the sinuses can become thinner. If implant placement is planned, this condition needs to be corrected with bone substitution.
Sinus lift may be necessary if the floor of the sinuses is too thin. It can occur when your back teeth have been removed and you do not chew on that area. If the bone is not loaded, it starts thinning. Implants need a firm base with adequate amounts of bone, so if the bone is not thick enough, sinus lift surgery (sinus augmentation) is required. We can increase the amount of bone by placing bone substitutes into the sinuses so that the bone could support the implant. Sinus lift surgery is performed at the same time an implant is placed. The procedure can make the bone a few millimetres thicker.
Prostheses are fabricated in the dental lab by a dental technician. Prostheses can be fixed or removable, and they restore the function and aesthetics of lost or damaged teeth. The durability of your dentures depends on your oral hygiene, therefore it is essential to have regular dental check-ups. Before your natural looking denture is fabricated in Dental Studio Line dental laboratory, dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic examine you thoroughly and make a treatment plan. Modern dentures are harmless and non-allergic.
Tooth whitening means whitening the surface of your teeth to reach a lighter shade. Before we make the natural colour of your teeth lighter, we remove tartar. Tooth whitening can remove discolouration caused by certain types of foods and smoking. The procedure has an effect on the pigments in the dentine, but it is completely harmless. Some people can develop sensitivity, but it is only temporary. Tooth whitening can be done at home or in the dentist’s office. In-office whitening at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic involves using a special gel and UV light. We can reach 6-12 shades whiter teeth by opening the tubules, the little tubes in your teeth, and removing the discolouration through the enamel. After closing the tubules, the new colour will last for a long time. If you chose to whiten your teeth at home, we will give you a custom-made tray that you should fill with whitening gel and place on your teeth. The effect of tooth whitening usually lasts for 2-3 years, but it largely depends on your eating habits and life style. Coffee and smoking, for example, can easily discolour your teeth.
Veneers (e.g. ceramic veneers) can improve the appearance of your teeth. Your dentist can place the veneers fabricated by the dental technician on your teeth to change the shape and colour of your teeth and make them aesthetic.
Wisdom teeth are the third molar teeth. They usually erupt at the end of the dental arch after the age of 20, or even later. Eruption may be rather painful. Wisdom teeth can cause several problems, if they do not have enough room in the jaw or they grow in an irregular direction. If you do not use them for chewing because of their position in your mouth, it can be rather difficult to keep them clean. Because the gap between the wisdom tooth and the neighbouring tooth cannot be cleaned properly, tooth decay can affect both teeth. Inflammation around the wisdom tooth can cause swelling of your face and pain spreading to your ear. Dentists at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic assess the condition of your wisdom teeth by taking a panoramic X-ray of your teeth and examining you thoroughly . If it is appears necessary, they recommend removing your wisdom teeth.